The Cardo Foundation was established in 2016 to grow and sustain a philanthropic culture within the Citipointe Christian College community, to help future-proof the ability of the College to continue providing an excellent Christian education for students.
The Foundation, which oversees the College’s fundraising program, is presided over by the Board of Directors of its Trustee company, Citipointe Christian College Foundation Limited. The members of this Board are appointed by the College Board which ensures accountable management of funds held by the Cardo Foundation and appropriate governance.
Through the generosity of the College community the Foundation has been instrumental in raising funds for the Equity Scholarship Fund and Building Fund.
The Cardo Foundation exists to ensure future generations of Citipointe students enjoy an excellent education in continually improving facilities, and to provide a Citipointe Christian College education to students who would otherwise be unable to attend, through the Equity Scholarship Fund.
The Foundation is the organisation through which philanthropic financial support for the school is collected, and funds distributed.
Provides for ongoing capital works projects and acquisitions in support of the College Master Plan, and ensures the availability of first class facilities.
Provides scholarships and bursaries for students whose presence will add to the richness and diversity of the student body, and for those whose family financial circumstances would otherwise prevent them from attending the College.
Provides for ongoing capital works projects and acquisitions in support of the College Master Plan, and ensures the availability of first class facilities.
Provides scholarships and bursaries for students whose presence will add to the richness and diversity of the student body, and for those whose family financial circumstances would otherwise prevent them from attending the College.
“Our son was very motivated to do his best during his time at Citipointe after receiving an academic scholarship. Knowing that the college believed in his potential encouraged him to dream bigger and aim higher. In his final year, he was able to give back as Academic Captain and with hard work was awarded an OP1.
We would love to help other students excel and so have donated to the equity scholarship fund. We believe that the fund is particularly important as it also enables students to attend Citipointe who otherwise could not afford to do so.”
“As a Christian parent, it means everything to me, to now have my daughter attend Citipointe Christian College.”
“Through the selfless generosity of others, God answered my prayer. Because of their giving my daughter can attend a school offering so many more opportunities and resources. She is able to be surrounded and supported by people who share her faith and she is able to learn in a safe, loving environment.”
“… finding out that God paved the way for my daughter to attend Citipointe Christian College through the love of others’ giving was a milestone in my testimony.”
Every drop creates a ripple.
Making a bequest to Citipointe Christian College allows you to retain the use and enjoyment of your assets during your lifetime but still provide a valuable gift to the College in the future.
Your Solicitor will be able to advise as to the most appropriate way for you to include a bequest to Cardo Foundation in support of Citipointe Christian College when drafting your will. If you have already made your will, you can add a codicil to include the Foundation - a simple and inexpensive process.
Great institutions require great support. We are fortunate, as Australians, to have governments that support the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education they want for their children. Government recurrent funding supports the education program of independent schools, but capital works only to a small additional degree. The school community itself must supply everything else. And that is what independent education is all about – independence. Citipointe Christian College values the level of government support it receives, but resolved some years ago like many independent schools, to create a legal entity – in our case it’s the Cardo Foundation - to support the philanthropy that funds this additional need. The need for the Foundation will never go away, and for the sake of current and future generations, deserves our philanthropic support. The College treasures the sacrificial giving that enhances the ability of the Cardo Foundation to support the education program of our school, which it does in several ways. I’m a donor; I invite you to be also.
For further information, or to have a confidential discussion about how you can support Citipointe Christian College through the Cardo Foundation, please contact:
Development Office
T: 07 3555 2700